Local Groups that use the Pavilion at Douai Park
Film Club - Meets on the second Wednesday of the month from October to MArch in the Clubroom. The Club is organised by Julian Mills and Sonia Shaw. For further information please contact julian on dpra.pfc@gmail.com
Yoga - The pavilion is used for regular yoga sessions on Monday (9.00am), Tuesday (9.30a,), Wedsnesday (6.15pm), Thursday (8.30am) and Friday (9.00am) .These are run by Jessica Raphael. Anyone wishing to join can contact her on jessicayoga@me.com or via the link above
Pilates - Melanie Rickerby is running pilates classes at the Pavilion on Tuesday and Thursday evenngs. She can be contacted on 07776482360 or by emailing mel.pilates@btinternet.com For more information click here